Import java.util.Scanner;
public class MinutesConversion {
private static Scanner inputDevice;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int minutes, hours;
float days; // float for decimal point
inputDevice = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter minutes for conversion >> ");
minutes = inputDevice.nextInt();
hours = minutes / 60;
days = hours / 24.0f;
System.out.println(+ minutes + " minutes is " + hours + " hour(s) or" + days " days");
include iPods, PlayStations, Xbox, TiVo, and WRT54G.
A) Frames. Is the anwser!!
HTML5 has fewer plug-ins like the ability to standardize how audio and video are presented on a Web page. It introduces the <video> element designed to remove the need to install 3rd party add-ons and plug-ins like adobe flash player. It also adds the <audio> element too that allows pages to smoothly add audio files.
using namespace std;
cout<<"\*Computer Science is no more about computers \n than astronomy is about telescopes"<<endl;
using c++