View Base tables: Virtual table based on a SELECT query
CREATE VIEW statement: Data definition command that stores the query specification in the data dictionary
DROP VIEW statement: Data definition command that removes the query specification in the data dictionary
Views are virtual tables, which can be created by select queries using the real database tables.
Creating and dropping views can be done by the CREATE VIEW and DROP VIEW statements.
<u>CREATE VIEW syntax:</u>
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
<u>DROP VIEW syntax:</u>
DROP VIEW view_name;
<span>the process of determining if a computer program implements a simulation model as it is intended is known as verification.</span>
Series Circuit
A <em>series circuit</em> is a connection configuration in which the terminals or terminals of the devices (generators, resistors, capacitors, inductors, switches, light buls, among others) are connected successively, that is, the output terminal of a device is connected to the input terminal of the next device.