unalarming, pleasant.
An official prohibition or edict against something.
Harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance.
"a dour, self-sacrificing life"; "a forbidding scowl"; "a grim man loving duty more than humanity"; "undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw"- J.M.Barrie
B. Bone denesity because as we age our bones become brittle and can break easily hence why older people often break their wrist or hips when falling. And being fit can help.
1. Who is the protagonist of your novel or short story? Describe the protagonist.
The character's name is August Pullman. He lives in Manhatton, NY. He struggles with Treacher Collins' syndrome, and has been homeschooled his whole life. Now it is time for him to start 5th grade and he has been enrolled in a public school for the first time.
2. Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
"I know I'm not an ordinary 10 year old kid. [...] I know ordinary kids don’t get stared at wherever they go." "My name is August, by the way. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse" Next week I start fifth grade. Since I’ve never been to a real school before, I am pretty much totally and completely petrified."
He views the world very observantly