An accurate description of the Oracle of Delphi a priestess who told the Persians to attack Greece by land. The correct answer is A.
Poem with don't
When the roses wilt
When the sky clouds
When the day ends
When darkness comes
Whispers are heard
Don't explore
Don't wonder
And thats what they said to her
For that was never the solution.
As she faced the whispers
Everyone's words washed away.
When she faced the whispers
She never had anything else to say
Scarlett can't remember anything before the age of four. That is, until she meets and inevitably falls for Noah, the gorgeous and mysterious new boy at school who is hiding a major secret of his own --- his family members are part of a potentially murderous cult called Eternal Light. And they want Scarlett. When a car accident suddenly jogs Scarlett's childhood memories, Noah has to decide where his true loyalties lie --- with his family or with the girl he wasn't supposed to fall for.
Answer: Dear Headmaster,
I have been wanting to let you know of some things that some students have been doing for the past week. There is a student in the 5th or 6th grade that has been flooding the bathrooms and taking away the soap dispensers in both the girl and boys bathrooms. There is also a couple of students from the basketball team who have been bulling other students and are planning on graffiti the school on Sunday. Please take care of these kids so that way kids still want to come to this school.
your students
are easily available
candy isn't healthy, fruit can go bad quickly, and candy doesn't require refrigeration, but candy and fruit are both easily available so that's the answer