The purse was passed down generations, it was finally stolen. A man by the name of Mr.PursestealerMcGee stole it. The purse was found in an abandoned temple by the name of Temple of Pursekeeping.
No one knows the origin, perhaps used by early man to explain the glorious deeds of heroes, almost five thousand years old.
It is False that persuasive writing relies on fallacies to make an argument. A Persuasive writing relies on facts that are supported by clear examples.
Correct answer is A: It is a part of the exposition that describes Buck's
The story follows a dog named Buck, and all the misfortunes that happen to him. At one point of his life, he becomes a sled dog. It is true that in the lines following the mentioned paragraph, the author mentions that Buck welcomed these two dogs, but the accent of the story isn't really on Buck making friends. Also, there is mention about Spitz beating Billie and how Buck and Sol-leks got into a fight, but the accent of these paragraphs isn't on the fight. The writer rather focuses on the personal characteristics of each dog, which means that this is exposition that describes each of Buck's teammates.
One pun is where Fortunato reveals that he is a member of the Freemasons and Montresor says that he too is a "mason." It is a pun because he does not mean a "Freemason"; he means a mason, a craftsman who does brickwork, the kind Montresor plans to perform on Fortunato to seal him in the catacombs forever.