3) can lead to gastritis and ulcers from long term use
Alcohol irritates the digestive system and causes the stomach to produce more acid than usual which leads to gastritis and ulcers
You should call 911 if a person exhibits which of the following:
-Drinking more than one kind of alcohol at a time
-inability to wake up and
-clammy or bluish skin.
These signs are not normal that can be harmful to the drinker. There might be some side-effects or allergies that caused the abnormal behavior or skin discoloration.
Styes, boils, and Candida are all examples of common diabetic complications caused by . lack of blood flow complications of diabetes that lead to death infections that diabetics cannot contract common diabetic bacterial and fungal infections
Typical employers of biomedical engineers
research organisations.
diagnostic/medical instrumentation manufacturers.
charities, such as Designability: The Bath Institute of Medical Engineering.