You decided to apply the characteristics of a theatre movement you have studied in Dramatic Arts to the staging of your producti
on 1.1.1 Identify one Theatre movement you could apply to the staging of your production 1.1.2 Describe TWO characteristics of the theatre movement you identified in Question 1.1.1 1.1.3 Discuss how you would creatively apply the characteristics of the movement identified in Question 1.1.1 to your production. Use the skills you learnt in Dramatic Arts. You may refer to the following:
*Use of space *Set costumes and props *Number of performers *Actor-audience relationship
You decided to apply the characteristics of a theatre movement you have studied in Dramatic Arts to the staging of your production
1.1.1 Identify one Theatre movement you could apply to the staging of your production
1.1.2 Describe TWO characteristics of the theatre movement you identified in Question 1.1.1
1.1.3 Discuss how you would creatively apply the characteristics of the movement identified in Question 1.1.1 to your production. Use the skills you learnt in Dramatic Arts. You may refer to the following: