Whenever you have insurance on a car, your home, or even your life you always feel protected. Say if you get into a car accident, your insurance will help pay for the damage. Or if your house is damaged by a bad storm or even if you get hurt your insurance will be there to help provide you with the help you need. Insurance can be expensive to get Initially but it is definitely worth the cost
The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of all side lengths of the triangle. The numerical expression for the perimeter of Stephanie's triangle is:
Let the sides of Juan's triangle be x, y and z. So:
The perimeter (J) of Juan's triangle is calculated by adding all sides.
This gives:
From the question, we understand that:
The perimeter (S) of Stephanie's triangle is half that of Juan.
This means that:
Substitute 25 for J
Hence, the numerical expression for the perimeter of Stephanie's triangle is:
Read more about perimeters at:
Step-by-step explanation:
Start with whats inside (11+6) (17) then you will multiply 7 and 4 = 28+5 =33 then back to 17,,,, 33-17=16
Graph A fails the vertical line test
Step-by-step explanation:
The vertical line test will fail when a vertical line touches two or more points on the graph
Graph A will fail the vertical line test. The y axis touches two points on the graph.