Duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation because the specifications of the constraints of the regional integrity are violated, especially the main constraint that states that there can be no identical values for the attributes of two tuples at any database relation state.
Also, duplicate tuples are not allowed in a relation due to the fact that they lead to redundancy of the data base which in turn, slowing down the speed of the database when data processing such as inserting, querying, updating, deleting, etc are being performed.
<h2>I would recommend Python Programming language</h2>
The major reason i recommend python is that It has a ton of resources, and community support, such that it is practically impossible to get stuck while carrying out a project
Python is easy,and lets you build more functions with fewer lines of code.
More so, provides a stepping stone to learning other code and it is a very flexible language
Intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, collation, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of collected information. It is a specialised information product that provides an adversary with information required to further its national interests. One of the most important functions of intelligence is the reduction of the ambiguity inherent in the observation of external activities.rations.
In most cases, the development of an intelligence product involves collecting information from a number of different sources. In some cases, information may be disseminated immediately upon collection based upon operational necessity and potential impact on current operations.
Strategic intelligence provides policy makers with the information needed to make national policy or decisions of long-lasting importance. Strategic intelligence collection often requires integrating information concerning politics, military affairs, economics, societal interactions, and technological developments. It typically evolves over a long period of time and results in the development of intelligence studies and estimates.
Operational intelligence is concerned with current or near-term events. It is used to determine the current and projected capability of a program or operation on an ongoing basis and does not result in long-term projections. Most intelligence activities support the development of operational intelligence.