Well, it kind of depends what you're advertising for. Here are some of the ones that came up to the top of my head when I thought "commercial".
"Buy now!"
"Parts sold separately."
"Vote ______!"
"_______ is not responsible for any tragedies."
"Consult with your doctor before taking ________."
"*name of the product, and then catchy slogan*"
<h3>Because if a singer is repeating words in a song he is like tryna get an important message across</h3>
for being too bold in greeting the white travelers who pass by the house.
Imagination, without any knowledge of the impossible you test the boundaries and redefine it. Logic is linear and does not question beyond already known concepts, although it may aid in current, defined situations- imagination is able to aid in all!
"Strike matches on rough surface found on the outside of the box. Do not touch flame, the head of the match, and please keep away from children"
The first two sentences feel like common sense, so I would not include them. The middle sentence is descriptive and I would keep it. The last three sentences can be combined to make the sentence less wordy and read easier. Hope that helps somewhat!