Puritanism the wealth, power, and authority of Catholicism and the Church of England. Puritans adopted the basic principles of ,
including predestination. The Puritans believed that God predetermined everyone's fate. Nothing—not wealth, achievements, power, or even good deeds—could change a person's destiny. This idea was very different from Catholicism and Anglicanism—both of which believed in free will. According to the doctrine of free will, a person can earn salvation through good deeds and holy behavior. Puritans also believed in the concept of . Humans were flawed, sinful beings that could only be saved through the grace of God. NextReset
Puritanism REJECTED the wealth, power and authority of Catholicism and the church of England. Puritans adopted the basic principles of CALVINISM including predestination. The Puritans believed .............................................. Puritan also believed in the concept of ORIGINAL SIN. Human were flawed................... the grace of God.
Counterbalanced designs allow the researcher to isolate the main effects due to condition and control for order and sequence effects only if there is no interaction between the procedural variables and the independent variables.
The use of the scientific method in the Milesian school made the philosophers of said school seem more reliable and trustworthy, thus raising the popularity and credibility of their philosophy