Central to secondary prevention is early identification of drug problems. Secondary prevention includes activities aiming at early detection problem or disease. After this, all necessary activities are undertaken to prevent further spread of disease, social problems or risky behavior. In this case, secondary prevention includes early detection of drug addict or behavior disorders which is caused by using drugs.
Well, a 13 year old is a minor and a 32 year old is a full grown adult. So, that being said, this is considered illegal in America. But, it is considered a forced-marriage because minors 'can't make their own decisions' so, it is actually considered sexual harassment if they kissed. Unless this is in a different country(other than America)
The drive is a term used in psychology to pressing the needs of satisfaction. It occurs in imbalance, physiological tension, and deficiency. When these processes occur, it initiates a person to do some action. Need is different from the drive.
Need is basically about to some deprived state and drive is a manifestation condition. Many psychologists explain that drive is a state of physiological needs and some drives that are learned by subjects such as drug abuse.
Thus drive is needed that occur in an organism for satisfactions. for example sex is a drive.
Answer: create a conducive environment where employees are emotional supported and their concerns are heard and rectified when necessary.
Customers are more likely to become motivated if they are cared for and receive the right support in an environment that is friendly and highly welcoming. They will mostly not feel like it's just a job but a career in which the have to give their best and that too will be recognised.
The best treatment that employees receive from their employer is likely to spread out to how they service the customers.
The main goal was the total elimination of poverty and racial injustice