Answer: The answer is A- A comprehensive process for identifying threats and hazards along with their associated capabilities.
THIRA is short for Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment. It is an all-hazard capability based assessment tool which includes a four (4)step common risk assessment that helps a community or jurisdiction to better understand its threats and hazard risk and estimating the capability requirements and also how the impacts may vary or differ according to time of occurrence, season or location.
THIRA process involves giving threats and hazards contexts of how they might unfold, the use of these threats or hazard contexts to identify impacts to th community using correct capabilities, estimating the impacts of these threats and hazards and looking across the estimated impact to the community in the context of each core capability.
A predisposition toward trait anxiety such as fear and threat is always affect a person's ability to lead.
while a followers knowledge towards anxiety will define the attitude of such person to work, even if a supervisor attempts to motive him/her.
Leadership is a function that demands competency and stability. To lead therefore will also demand that a person display a positive mental attitude to lead. A situation where one begins to develop trait anxiety which is referred to as a relatively stable disposition from within that is tilted to negative feelings to judge or be threatened by series of environmental factors, such individual’s qualities, skills and emotional stability loses its center of balance and often leads to poor decision making, fear of failure, poor performance and hostile leadership qualities.
On the other hand, when a follower’s knowledge and understanding of anxiety is very poor, it will lead to almost the same traits displaced in the scene above, because the attitude and inner conviction of the person will be at work in all his thought and behaviour. This is to say that whatever form of motivation that is put forward by the supervisor if not focused on combating the cause of such anxiety in the follower will yield no result.
empathy a d cooperation has a great imoact on the society because these two helps people unite, and works together as a team.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden Is in the lead in Nevada and he is gaining ground in Pennsylvania and Georgia. He only needs to win one more state to be president while Trump has to win all the states that remain. Joe Biden just has a bigger chance of winning.
American Evaluation Association
They created this principles to reflect their core value and they are supposed to be a guide to the professional ethical conduct of the evaluators.
This principles are interdependent and interconnected, this means that the can't work by themselves, or even that they may even conflict with one another.
They are used to moderate the behavior of the evaluator.