I would most definitely go and help the family of that house and call 911 as I head over so I would have a sort of back up just in case something went wrong.
I just have to stall the robber for time if I were to get hurt so the police can arrive although I could handle myself.
The thread used against Sabine comes under Debt Trafficking.
Debt Trafficking:
When the human traffickers perform illicit relocation of the women saying them to pay off their debt after starting working at new location in some honorable business, But on their relocation, they force them into the prostitution business to pay their unlawful debt.
Debt Bondage:
It is debt which some labor contractor pays to some person and in return the person willingly delivers his services to pay his debt to the contractor
Debt Peonage:
It is the debt which first person pays to the second person and if the second person remains unsuccessful in paying his debt, the first person forces the second person to work for him at some minimal wage rate. In this way the second person becomes the victim of debt peonage.
After understanding the aforementioned concepts of three different types of debts, we conclude that the thread used against Sabine comes under Debt Trafficking.
They Decide if they are going to open the case
I’m currently doing drivers ed, and the smith system includes aiming high in steering, leaving yourself an out, and keeping your eyes moving, so the answer is A.