C. companies that provide goods to domestic cities
Domestic policy covers a wide range of areas, including business, education, energy, healthcare, law enforcement, money and taxes, natural resources, social welfare, and personal rights and freedoms.Issue and legislative areas include: education and training, health care and financing, Social Security, public and private pensions, social welfare programs, nutrition assistance, housing, immigration, drug control, crime and criminal justice, labor and occupational safety, unemployment and workers' compensation,
Answer:The Espionage Act
Snowden was sued for theft of government property and violation of section 793(d) and 798(a)(3) of the ESPIONAGE ACT.
The crime under these sections carry possible sentence of 30 years imprisonment. He can not be charged the crime of TREASON since it(treason) requires individual(s) waging war against the United States or a act of aiding United States' enemies.
The word 'Espionage' means the practice of spying to get information about the activities of foreign government(s).
Section 798(a)(3) forbids intentionally communication of confidential files to an unauthorized individual(s). The United States Supreme Court recognize the fact that employees of the government working with National security are in a POSITION OF TRUST that LIMITS THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to DISCLOSE INFORMATION.
A: True
Ex. If you check the weather and it says its supposed to rain in about 15 minutes, you would want a jacket or even an umbrella right? It would be smart to bring both of those items along with you.