1 2 3 4 5 is the transition form 1 to 5
The plant that is grown in sunglight will thrive compared to the plant that is grown in the dark.
Sunlight helps the plant photosynthesize which is needed to keep the plant alive and growing. Without light the plant will not be able to photosynthesize and will eventually die.
The slopes show that sucrose gradient affects change in weight.
The slopes will be different because higher gradient concentration of sucrose will result in the higher amount of water moved. This means the higher sucrose gradient concentration, the more change in weight of the water.
Answer: c. alluvial fan.
A wide sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range is called an alluvial fan. An alluvial fan is the deposition of sediment on a landform like mountain. It forms as an open fan or cone of sediment. The sediments are left by natural drainage system like river on the landform.
There are two types of alluvial fans.
1. Debris dominated: These includes viscous mixture of water, mud, gravel along with woody debris. This transfer large boulders of landform soil.
2. Floodwater dominated: Water will spill in the alluvial fan in the form of thin sheets. This can transfer fine particles of landform soil.