During the Tokugawa Shogunate, the shogun was effectively the ruler of Japan. This gave shogun enormous power and authority. Just below the shogun, we find the daimyo. The daimyo was a feudal lord who owned large amounts of land. They were considered vassals of the shogun, and usually employed large armies of samurai to protect themselves and their property. Daimyo and shogun were extremely powerful until the early Meiji period.
The Cuban Missile Crisis is an intelligence failure, which almost led to a global nuclear war. HUMINT and COMINT under Kennedy failed to confirm the true intentions of Soviet Union towards Cuba. It was also a failure on Kennedy's part not to understand the point of view of the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
- Extermination of Jews and other minorities in concentration camps as well as in humanizing the people groups.
- Failure on his part to uphold treaties regulating German expansion peacefully.
- Creation of the Aryan race, which led to potential problems in military, economic, and other parts of life. It also destroyed the livelihood of many.
- Failure to keep the other heads of state results in falling popularity as he transitions to a Facist state, which led to his eventual murder.
- Mass extermination of to-be Italy's colonies, and then afterwards failure to hold them in the onslaught of Britian's attack.
These are just some of the main points, there are definitely more, but im not too sure what you would describe as main.
I believe that he argued that it was gravity.