Golden retrievers are more loyal, friendly, and smart than a pitbull, but on the other hand, Pitbulls are more protective, so it depends why you want the dog, if you want a guard dog than a pitbull would suit you, but if you want a companion dog then get a golden retriever, I would take the Golden retreiever.
To be successful, you need to have a good mindset about your goals. Make sure you never give up and work the hardest you can. Even if it means having hours and hours of labor and minimum hours of rest. Everyone wants to be successful, but not everyone wants to work for it.
I'm glad you asked!
He believed it was against everything he truly believed in his heart.
Answer: E. They are a conservative and pious community.
The opening description of the men whom were in “sad-colored garments”, “steeple-crowned hats” and “bareheaded” or hooded women simply shows that the characters were in a conservative and pious community.
The introduction to the Puritan society coupled with the "sad-colored garments" and steeple-crowned hats” shows that the community was dour, and judgmental and the community had people who were traditional, conservative and deeply religious.
Therefore, the correct option is E.