One of the primary concerns of the colonists during the French and Indian War was that Great Britain would end up taxing them in order to pay for it, which turned out to be true and helped lead to the Revolution.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) was a law which penalized employers who hired illegal immigrants. The law was signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. This act of Congress required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status. What it meant in practice is that it made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly, under the risk of penalty.
<span>In 1832, President Andrew Jackson refused to re-charter the Bank of the United States, opting instead to deposit government funds in select state or “pet' banks. The state banks, facing little regulation, freely loaned paper money to virtually anyone who asked for it. A flurry of land speculation and inflation followed. To curtail these alarming trends, Jackson issued the Species Circular on July 11, 1836. The executive order meant that federal land could no longer be bought with paper money, but only with gold or silver. In Jackson's view, this “hard' money was the only currency that could be trusted.</span>
The Great Awakening<span> or </span>First Great Awakening<span> was a Protestant religious </span>revival<span>that swept Protestant Europe and British America in the 1730s and 1740s. An evangelical and revitalization movement, it left a permanent </span>impact<span> on American Protestantism.
idk i coppied and pasted
D BECAUSE great britian had time to get ready because they new it was coming so they had time.