La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta es B)Es observar, escuchar, conocer y compartir las tradiciones y costumbres de culturas diferentes a la mía y valorarlas.
Cuando hablamos sobre interculturalidad, nos referimos a "observar, escuchar, conocer y compartir las tradiciones y costumbres de culturas diferentes a la mía y valorarlas."
La interculturalidad nos permite mostrar respeto por las diferentes culturas y formas de pensar de otros países y regiones. Eso también fomenta la tolerancia entre los países, ya que invita a que sepamos escuchar con atención la manera en la que una persona que piensa y vive diferente a mi, con objeto de entender la diversidad que tenemos como humanos. Si respetamos y ponemos atención a las costumbres, tradiciones, idea, y cultura de los demás, y ellos hacen lo mismo con nosotros, aprenderemos muchas cosas pero también nos daremos cuenta que en el fondo, los humanos somos muy similares.
<span> To meet the new enemy threat and regain the initiative, according to Wheeler, Westmoreland would need more men: “The add-on requested totals 206,756 spaces for a new proposed ceiling of 731,756.”</span>
History (from the Greek ἱστορία, meaning 'a learning or knowing by inquiry') can be broadly taken to indicate the past in general but is usually defined as the study of the past from the point at which there were written sources onwards.
There are obstacles that make it so we do not have a crystal clear, uninterrupted view of the past. Firstly, we have to remember that everyone – not just us, but also people throughout history – is shaped by their upbringing and the societies and times they live in, and we need to be careful not to stick our own labels and values onto past periods. Secondly, our view of the past is made up from the total of things that somehow happened to survive the test of time, which is due to coincidences and decisions made by people before our time. So, we only get a fragmentary, distorted view; it is like trying to complete a puzzle with a lot of oddly shaped and missing pieces
A jannisary revolt eventually occured in the Ottoman Empire.
The jannisaries were the professional soldiers of the Ottoman empire who were taken from European, mainly Balkan countries, and were forced to convert to Islam and fight for the Ottoman Empire once they reached adulthood.