Hoover took a hands-off approach, and Roosevelt did the opposite.
Herbert Hoover was under the impression that the stock market crash of 1929 was a simple market correction, that it would go away if everybody just acted like everything was normal, and that markets simply do these things from time to time. By the time Roosevelt took office in 1933, he understood that no quick solutions were to be had. He did start a lot of public works projects, like the Works Projects Administration (which gave a lot of people short-term employment teaching, painting post office murals, and cleaning up public lands) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (which put a lot of broke farmers to work putting a utilities infrastructure in place in parts of the South, putting the pieces of a post-agricultural economy in place).
He also instituted several "bank holidays" to discourage panic-driven depositors from taking all their money out of their banks. Austerity became the new normal in America and stayed that way until the US entered World War II.
It made the state number even so there were an even number of slave states and non-slave states. It also abolished slave trade in Washington, d.c. becasue many people were angry about there being trading there.
They were all created with humanlike qualities.
The gods and titans constantly fought among themselves, behaved irrationally and unfairly, and were often jealous of each other. Zeus, the king of the gods, was rarely faithful to his wife Hera.
Answer:In civics, students learn to contribute to public processes and discussions of real issues. Students can also learn civic practices such as voting, volunteering, jury service, and joining with others to improve society.
the success under the articles of confederation was widely spread depending on what the situation was