1. A high level algorithm for cooking a cheeseburger could be:
- Heat fry pan
- Cook one side of the hamburger
- Wait
- Turn hamburger upside down
- Put cheese over hamburger
- Wait
- Cut hamburger bread in half
- Put cooked hamburger inside bread
- End (eat)
2. A detailed algorithm for cooking a cheeseburger could be:
- Place fry pan over the stove heater
- Turn on heater (max temp)
- IF fry pan not hot: wait, else continue
- Place raw hamburger on fry pan
- IF hamburger not half cooked: Wait X time then go to line 5, else continue
- Turn hamburger upside down
- Put N slices of cheese over hamburger
- IF hamburger not fully cooked: Wait X time then go to line 8, else continue
- Turn off heater
- Cut hamburger bread in half horizontally
- Put cooked hamburger on one of the bread halves.
- Put second bread half on top of hamburger
- End (eat)
An algorithm is simply a list of steps to perform a defined action.
On 1, we described the most relevant steps to cook a simple cheeseburger.
Then on point 2, the same steps were taken and expanded with more detailed steps and conditions required to continue executing the following steps.
In computational terms, we used pseudo-code for the algorithm, since this is a list of actions not specific to any programming language.
Also we can say this is a structured programming example due to the sequential nature of the cooking process.
It's GigaBytes actually. And is it RAM or storage capabilities?
And also those are brands. Not models. For example, Samsung has different phones. Not just one.
Data processing involves the conversion of raw data and the flow of data through the Central Processing Unit and Memory to output devices. Each CPU in a computer contains two primary elements: the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the control unit. The Arithmetic Logic Unit performs complex mathematical calculations and logical comparisons. On the other hand, the control unit accesses computer instructions, decodes them, and controls the flow of data in and out of the Memory, ALU, primary and secondary storage, and various other output devices.
<span>14. A mesh represents a(n) _____ object if its faces enclose a positive and finite amount of space. (1 point)
15. Which of the following is the 3-D view port? (1 point)
the standard layout used for new files
the polygon viewing on the default screen
straight line segments connecting two vertices
a single static image in 3-D
The answer for number 1, should be:
</span><span>A mesh represents a solid object if its faces enclose a positive and finite amount of space
The answer for the second question is:
a single static image in 3-D