The answer is explained below.
Marbury v. Madison was a supreme court case known for establishing the principle of Judicial review in US. Judicial review means that US courts can strike down statutes, laws and other government actions that violate the US constituion. This case is considered to be the one that laid the foundation of US constitutional law. The court's opinion was written by Chief Justice John Marshall.
As per the provision of separation of power the constitution framers wanted the government to have enough powers so that they could run the country but wouldn't be able to abuse it. Thus they developed the provision of separation of power, according to which the power is distributed among the three branches of the the government. So that if one branch of the government tries to abuse their powers others could balance it.
Marbury vs. Madison strengthened this provision as by judicial review the court can control the Congress by declaring laws unconstitutional and illegal.
The first Gasoline powered American automobile was made in: The late 1800s
The first Gasoline car was created by a company called Duryea Motor Wagon in Massachusetts. At that time, only an extremely wealthy people can afford it and the product is not really appealing among the mass since horse Caravan was still a much faster transportation at that time.
it allowed them to place a roof on large buildings
Domebo Canyon, Oklahoma is a Paleo-Indian archaeological site: the site of a mammoth kill in the prairie of southwestern Oklahoma. The Domebo archaeological site features deposits of both incomplete and partially articulated mammoth skeletal remains.
He educated himself and his people and negotiated to maintain independence