from a hemlock tree, is the completing sentence to dust of snow
Dust of Snow is only eight lines long and seems to be the simplest of short poems. With full end rhyme and short lines on the surface the two stanzas appear to be nothing more than a snapshot of a trivial event concerning a crow, a tree, snow and a human being.
dust of snow has as its main themes:
communication between nature and humans.
nature healing and helping with negative human emotions.
the significance of small natural events
The stages are sensorimotor (Age 0-2), pre-operational (Age 2-7), concrete operational (Age 7-11) and formal operational (Age 11-Adult).
The second part of your question is for you to decide who has shaped or changed your life.
Man v. self because the conflict is with herself to return it or not
Are there any options for the question.
This is false. Scott Momaday does NOT speak the Kiowa language.