A 20-year-old woman complains of difficulty breathing and the feeling of a lump in her throat approximately 10 minutes after bei
ng stung by a wasp. Your assessment reveals that she is anxious, is in obvious respiratory distress, and has hives covering her arms and legs. Further assessment reveals diffuse wheezing, a blood pressure of 80/50 mm Hg, and a heart rate of 120 beats/min. You should:
Preeclampsia is an abnormal increase in blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy. When a urinalysis is done, what is found that is not present in normal urine Ans. - protein
The known risk factors for hip fractures are low bone mineral density (BMD) and change in the hip geometry. The risk of hip fracture increases by 2.6 times with every decrease of one standard deviation in the BMD of femoral neck [6].