Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce they risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.
have you had a rash?
do you often feel itchy in that area
By analyzing the pelvis bone (sex determination) and the length of the diaphyseal bone and nonsynovial joints (age determination of non-adult skeletons and adult skeletons, respectively)
Bioarchaeologists are professionals that study human skeletons from archaeological sites. Bioarchaeologists can estimate the age and sex of human skeletons and thus determine the health and dynamics of past human populations. In regard to sex determination, the pelvis is a bone that can be used to estimate the sex of an individual with an accuracy higher than 95%. In regard to the age, characteristics associated with bone growth such as, for example, the length of the diaphyseal bone, can be good indicators to estimate the age of non-adult skeletons, while nonsynovial joints (i.e. joints without a synovial membrane) which are commonly called synarthroses or solid joints, can be used to estimate the age of adult skeletons.
The given statement is TRUE
Urinary bladder is the hollow, muscular and distensible (elastic) organ in the urinary system of a human. The urine enters the bladder through the ureters from the kidneys. The urine collected in the bladder expands it.
The urinary bladder is made up of transitional epithelium. Once the urinary bladder is expanded to a certain extent it stimulates the stretch receptors in the transitional epithelium for the excretion of urine through the urethra.
Therefore, when the urine is accumulated in the urinary bladder, the bladder distends or expands and stimulates the stretch receptors in the transitional epithelium for urine excretion.