Honestly, I don't think Daisy will end up with Tom or Gatsby. Each of them has a flaw that just cannot be ignored enough in a relationship. Tom is too controlling, which is hardly even a relationship at all, and Gatsby, despite his sweetness to her opposite of Tom, wants to do something even more impossible: relive the past, as if the past is a swimming pool to jump harmlessly right back in. What Gatsby is deluding is too good to be true and Tom's personality is too poor to be true, which is why that infatuation will not last very long either.
Salmon's need to lay many eggs because the eggs are very fragile. These eggs are not very likely to survive and hatch. Lots of eggs need to be laid to guarantee the survival of at least some of the eggs.
Annie Dillard read the book 'The Field Book of Ponds and Streams' so many times as she found what she herself did not know she was looking for, the essential tools for naturalist trade.
"An American Childhood" is a memoir of Annie Billard. She wrote about her childhood and her high school days in the book.
In her book, she conveyed the message that how books help people to connect with each other emotionally as well as mentally. As Annie was an earnest reader, so when she was twelve years old, she enrolled herself in the nearest library, in Homewood. In that library, she found the book titled "The Field Book of Ponds and Streams."
<u>She states that she read it several times especially chapter 3 of the book, which explains the essential tools for naturalist trade. Till she read that chapter, she herself was unaware of what she was looking for. The book unveiled to her many words of water and the life of insects. </u>
<u>She used to read the book every year and used to go through the list of names of people who borrowed that book to know that there are other people like her who are eager to find out about the 'ponds' and 'streams.'</u>
The man feels happiness and rich in spirit when reading the book
"What liberty
A loosened spirit brings!"
"He ate and drank the precious
His spirit grew robust;"