1. The radiaton from the X-ray waves can be harmful
2. Lack of resources comes on part of both the provider as well as the patient as the provider may not necessarily have the appropriate equipment or updated technology yet to detect such conditions such as in smaller town hospitals or even the patient may not have the financial or transportation resources in order to obtain these. Another one but while being a little subjective I think could even be a lack of knowledge on both of our parts as well as healthcare providers don't always have all the answers to everything let alone the resources as mentioned earlier or even perhaps the patient doesn't know the earlier signs and symptoms of certain cancers and even more so some cancers are VERY difficult to detect, especially until its too late.
3. X-ray imaging creates pictures of the inside of your body. The images show the parts of your body in different shades of black and white. This is because different tissues absorb different amounts of radiation. Calcium in bones absorbs x-rays the most, so bones look white
4. An X-Ray will be neccesary, ultrasounds exam organs while x-rays examine bones
Because the prefrontal cortex is still developing, teenagers might rely on a part of the brain called the amygdala to make decisions and solve problems more than adults do. The amygdala is associated with emotions, impulses, aggression and instinctive behaviour.
Monohybrid cross may be defined as the cross done by taking the single character at the time. The monohybrid cross explains the concept of dominance and law of segregation.
The P1 parent of monohybrid cross doesnot have completely identical genes. This can be explained by the cross shown below:
Parent Tt × tt
Gamete T t × t
Here, the parents are not identical.
Thus, the answer is falsi.
Place a glowing splint in the test tube, and if it reignites, it could be oxygen. Place a burning splint into a test tube, and if it goes out, it could be carbon dioxide. Or, place carbon dioxide gas in limewater, and if it turns milky and gets chunks, it is carbon dioxide.