Answer: A Journey
Explanation: Expedition means an adventure or it can be as simple as a flight on a plane but either way a journey seems like the right meaning for the word expedition.
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Why are you talking help in french wow u bad
Answer: A) to explain the new....... in the 1800s
Explanation: follow my Instagram Nappyhead.r0ss i follow back