Odd question...but, uh...if it helps...grab the stick that's in your eye and pull yourself to safety?
The Industrial Revolution changed the way things were made as new machines invented in the 1700s and 1800s meant it was possible to mass produce goods in factories. Starting in Britain and spreading through Europe and North America, a period of rapid social and economic change began, with widespread URBANIZATION.
<h3>#CARRY-ON Learning</h3>
A hidden message in the truman show, his entire life is being monitored or basically controlled and in the music industry and celebrities, they cant control their lives their music they make is not their choice once you reach a certain amount of fame the illuminatii basically takes over, they controll the media the press they have elimanated many of them such as Michael Jackson for example they used the media against him, and then took him out like they tried to do to truman when he knew what was goin on . same with many many celebrities, do research about it look it up on the internet