The main ideas shaping US imperialism were "Manifest destiny" and the "White man's burden". Manifest destiny refers to the 19th century belief that the United States were meant to expand across North America because of the particular excellence of its (white) people and (democratic) institutions. This lead to the Trail of Tears, among other atrocities. Once the US reached the Pacific Ocean, new lands came into view (Puerto Rico, the Phillipines). Manifest destiny became entwined with the idea that "civilized" nations had a moral obligation to colonize other peoples, which Rudyard Kipling summed up in his poem "White Man's Burden". The tensions in this "benevolent imperialism" were never fully resolved; the US invasion of Irak was launched under similar pretenses (the invasion was "for the good" of those invaded). The idea that other peoples have a right to self determination regardless of their level of development has not yet become accepted by the great powers, including the US.
As a writer and reader I disagree with this. Perhaps if you are writing for a scientific journal or business report, long blocks of text can seem like you have a lot of info. Generally speaking, especially in fiction and non fiction i think unbroken pages of text will best case scenario bore a reader, worst case scenraio burden and overwhelm them with a lot of info so the feel daunted about continuing.
Although you should restate your thesis, it is important to not be repetitive within your essay. Find a way to restate your thesis to have the same meaning but slight variation in wordage.
It would be an adjective if we had it before a noun, but generous is an adjective. (so generous is the adjective) IT can also be used as an adverb.
The attitude the author has towards the text.
or if you have answer choices, which ever is closest to this.