The correct answer is option B. "12 hours".
The process of mitosis in mouse fibroblast cells have been studied and characterized for researches purposes. Therefore, it is possible to predict that it will take around 12 hours for mouse fibroblast cells to begin the process of sister chromatids separation after finishing growing its organelles and synthesizing proteins. If the process takes less time than 12 hours will indicate a premature sister chromatid separation, and that something has caused down regulation or inhibition the histonedeacetylase (HDAC) activity.
Fraternal twins are “dizygotic,” meaning that they developed from two different eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells, while identical twins are “monozygotic” i.e., they developed from a single fertilized egg that split.
To protect them from ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Reflexes do slow with age. Physical changes in nerve fibers slow the speed of conduction. And the parts of the brain involved in motor control lose cells over time.
Researchers found that the brain's response time begins to decline at age 24. The descent is a slow, but nonetheless, steady one.
Answer is explained below;
Mercury is a liquid metal that is released into the environment by both natural processes such as volcanic activity, weathering of rocks, etc and human activities such as waste materials from factories. The mercury that reaches the ocean and other water sources is converted into methylmercury by bacteria. Methylmercury is a neurotoxin that interferes with the nervous system and is easily absorbed by the human body.
The methylmercury is taken up by planktons. Small fishes consume large quantities of plankton. Tilapia is a small, short-lived freshwater fish. The methylmercury level in tilapia is lower than that of other fish. When large, long-living predatory fishes such as tuna, shark, king mackerel, swordfish, etc consume many smaller fish with low mercury levels, this causes accumulation of methylmercury at extremely high levels in their tissues over time i.e., the amount of mercury in such bigger fish biomagnifies.
So large, long-lived predators like swordfish and shark often have the highest methyl mercury levels than a small, short-lived tilapia.