present tense
when we are describing events that happen in works of literature we should describe it in the present tense because literature is all about presents works although there a little of old works. literature is all about life characterization of humans because it deals with our emotions, feelings. it deals with prose, drama, and poetry.
Answer:Death of a loved one. The death of a spouse or other loved one tops the list of the most stressful things we experience. Bereavement affects people in different ways. You may feel shock and sadness, anger or even guilt. You may feel your world has been turned upside down and you don't know how to go on without them.
Will be marked brainliest
Talk about
Just talk about anything
Man vs. Self, Man vs. society
One reason man vs. self is an answer is that the person that had the power to do what the previous Giver had a conflict with himself. At first he liked it but then didn't want nothing to do with it anymore. Man vs. society is another because once his ability was known to the public everyone seemed to have caused him to want to be left alone
Give it to her straight out,but nicely. Like calmly point one out, explain how she is wrong and then give her the correct answer. Repeat