I believe the answer you are looking for is open seating arrangement - nobody has assigned seats and people can move around freely to interact with whoever they like. This improves collaboration and communication among the people in the meeting.
FV $4,594,590
The annuity which produce funds will start on the seventh year thereofre there will be 4 annual deposits at the beginning of each year.
We solve for the future value of an annuity-due of 4 year at 10% interest rate:
C 900,000.00
time 4
rate 0.1
FV $4,594,590
This is the amount accumualted at the end of the tenth year
Brand performance
Brand performance is the concept that compares and contrasts the goals a brand sets and how it meets those targets.
Therefore, brand performance is the concept that describe how well a market fulfills customers needs.
The answer is D
I would prefer Asset B
A risk averse investor is the one who prefers lower amount of returns with known or specific risks instead of the higher amount of returns with unknown risks. So, from among the various level of risks, the investor will be preferring the alternative with the least interest.
So, in this case,
In Asset A: pay a return of $2,000 and at 20% of time and the $500 at 80% of time.
In Asset B: pay a return of $1,000 and at 50% of time and the $600 at 50% of time.
So, I would prefer, Asset B as it has low return but have a known risk that is of 50 -50.