The answers are given here with short explanations :
Question 1:
<u>Erika considered his class good preparation for college.</u>
While the first sentence reveals she does not dislike him, this is a clear indication of her respect for him.
Question 2:
<u>Her B in Mr. Kelp's class was her lowest letter grade overall.</u>
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The lines before this make it clear that she is brilliant so this shows that all other grades are As.
Question 3:
<u>She wants Erika to steal a copy of the test from the teacher.</u>
She indirectly wants Erika to do it.
Question 4 :
<u>They wanted Erika to steal the answers for them instead.</u>
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They knew they could coerce her to steal the papers for them so they did not want to study.
Question 5:
<u>Her teammates gave three explicit reasons.</u>
They reasoned that they cannot study for the test and that they may loose the championship and lastly that a team player puts the team first.
<h2><em><u>Man's Best Friend</u></em></h2><h3><em><u>Man's Best FriendHumans and dogs have a history of being inseparable and mutually dependent for protection and survival. Their relation is that of an emotional bond where the dog is a pet as well as a family member. It is loyal, faithful and devoted to man. They were kept mainly for hunting and guarding, but now they make great companions and entertainers. Millions of people love dogs and puppies need more attention. One should try making their dogs social, by playing with them, walking them, exposing them to the crowd and teaching them to obey.</u></em></h3>
I don’t really know i’m just adding this answer to get another answer so i can ask a question :)