its set up thru the constitution so you cant change it.
In economics there are four different types of market structures. They are as followed:
1) Perfect competition- This allows for businesses to compete against each other for consumers.
2) Monopoly- This is when one business or corporation corners a market. This occurs when a business is the only supplier of a good/service.
3) Oligopoly- This is when a small amount of businesses control a market/product.
4) Imperfect competition
In your question then, the correct answers are : Monopoly, perfect competition, and oligopoly.
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However both FDR and Lyndon Johnson championed major liberal legislation that aimed at making the lives of ordinarily people better through healthcare,welfare and housing.
FDR came up with the new deal to ease the great depression feelings while Johnson came up with the war on poverty.
What period post another question showing the period and I can help.