In Drosophila, grey body is dominant to black, and long wings is dominant to short wings. Two unlinked pairs of alleles, G/g and
L/l, cause this pair of traits respectively. Six pairs of flies of unknown genotypes are mated, giving the results listed below. Write the genotypes of the parental flies in each cross using the gene symbols above. Types of progeny____
Cross Parents Grey Grey Black Black
Long Short Long Short
1 grey long x grey short 43 46 14 17
2 grey short x grey short 0 61 0 23
3 black long x grey long 40 0 44 0
4 grey long x grey long 48 18 0 0
5 grey short x grey long 31 33 0 0
One negative side effect of with anaerobic synthesis of energy is that a by product of glycolysis is lactic acid
lactic acid cause muscle fatigue and post exercise muscle soreness. when you exercise the body uses oxygen to break down glucose for energy. when one do intensive exercise, oxygen may not be enough therefore lactic acid is produced.