1. To beat ultimately as the heart; pound.2. To feel or be subjected to a pulsating pain: My toe was throbbing after I stubbed it.3. To vibrate,pulsate, or sound with a steady pronounced rhythm: Boat engines throbbing
pls thank me for the answer, it keeps me motivated :)
Imagination is abstract
Invention is abstract
Key is concrete
Naming words for concrete bodies are concrete nouns
While abstract terms are represenred by abstract nouns
I think that that is true. I hope this helps!
It would be both the parents and the doctors. The schools are the ones who had the machines installed in the first place and the students are the ones who take the most kick out of it.
Doctors, as we know, are experts in health and living conditions, which means that they know it’s a health risk for those who tend to consume sodas more often then they should.
Parents only want the best for their children and soda/pop are considered bad for the digestive system if consumed in massive amounts. Because parents don’t have complete control on their children at school, the freedom of course the child has gets exploited.
Hope this helped!