Ah yes, im glad to help you
Self-love is one of the most important types of love you can recieve. Before feeling compassion for others, feel compassion for your self. Love every part of yourself too, even your vulnerable parts. Theres something that I saw in a Ted-talk, she said "You cant get rid of specific feelings, if you get rid of sadness, you get rid of happiness too, which can make you miserable." This is important to remember, dont beat yourself up because you feel sad about something. Embrace it and move on.
Hope this helps!
Have a great day!
I would say isolation because Elie and his father are separated from his mother and 2 sisters so that he and his father go to the forced labour camp and his mother and sisters go to the gas chambers though the mother and one sister survive he does not see them again, at least not there. And seeing his father become helpless so that he must become his father's caregiver makes him resentful and then ashamed of his resentment.
A. Pigs representing soviet leaders were the main characters
Don't forget
there is always somebody or something
waiting for you,
something stronger, more intelligent,
more evil, more kind, more durable,
something bigger, something better,
something worse, something with
eyes like the tiger, jaws like the shark,
something crazier than crazy,
saner than sane,
there is always something or somebody
waiting for you
as you put on your shoes
or as you sleep
or as you empty a garbage can
or pet your cat
or brush your teeth
or celebrate a holiday
there is always somebody or something
waiting for you.
keep this fully in mind
so that when it happens
you will be as ready as possible.
meanwhile, a good day to
if you are still there.
I think that I am---
I just burnt my fingers on
The voting age in America should not be changed from 18 to 16. This is because there are many immature citizen teens out there who would not look further into detail about who they would vote for. Most would just pick based off of things they like about the person. They wouldn't look into further detail. And besides your not an adult until your 18 years of age or in the twenty age. Sixteen year old teens are smart yes, but still too young to be voting especially for something that could change everyone's lives. If you were to let an 16 year old be allowed to vote your life and the rest of the world rests in their hands basically. 18 year old teens are more mature about this topic and more aware of what needs to be done to vote for someone. They look into things and find out more about that person.