I think that it is mistake. Because if something is daunting, it is a challenge. If you regret something, it is a mistake.
I think it is vinegar,but I am not sure.
of course text me on here or I'll give you my Instagram
The discovery of coyolxauhqui's stone monolith showed her decapitated body. It is naked with monsters at her joints. Her head wears a feathered head dress adorned with balls and bells. She wears elaborate earrings, fancy sandals and bracelets and a serpent belt. This monolith at the bottom of the temple signifies the defeat of Coyolxauhqui by her sibling Huitzilopochtli. As coyolxauhqui's body was thrown off the mountain and consequently her body broke to pieces, thus is the symbolism behind the monolith.