Accurate - Yes
Precise - Yes
Accuracy and precision are two ways to detect the closeness of measured values in an experiment. However, these two terms do not mean the same thing.
Accuracy of a measurement refers to how close a measurement (experimental values) is to a true or actual value while the precision of a measurement refers to how close the experimental or measured values are to one another.
Note that, a measurement may be accurate but not precise or be precise but not accurate.
In the case of the dart board in the image, it is evident that the measured values (represented by darts) are close to the middle target (represents the known or accepted mark). Hence, the measurements are said to be ACCURATE. Likewise, the measured values are also close to one another, meaning that they are PRECISE.
Therefore, the measurements are both precise and accurate.
Answer:basicallly what a hypothesis is something you belive in and your trying to prove it. It deifines the relationship between two varaiables.
Genetic drift
Genetic drift can also be referred to as allelic drift, it refers to the variation in allelic frequencies within a particular population over a period of time. It can also be referred to as the random fluctuations in the number of genotypes within a population. Genetic drift is not influenced by the environment and is usually more pronounced in a small population of organisms.
For example, a population of birds can consist of green feathers and blue feathers with the green feathers as the dominant allele, but as a result of random fluctuations, the offspring may all be with green feathers and hence could eliminate or reduce the allele responsible for blue feathers over time.
Bones in your skull (cranial and facial bones), ears, neck, vertebrae, sacrum and tailbone and ribcage (sternum and ribs).