File structure.
HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.
Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations of a web page to be displayed.
The file transfer protocol (FTP) client component of a full-featured HTML editor allows you to synchronize the entire file structure. Therefore, when you wish to share your entire html document over a network server such as a FTP client, you should use a full-featured HTML editor.
Della is a special education teacher. In her classroom, students may use many different types of utility programs to make it easier for them to use their computers. This category of utility software is known as accessibility.
<span>The operand is part of the instruction and is fetched from code memory following the instruction opcode.
</span><span>The value is stored in memory, and the specific address is held in a register</span>
<span>What can give working people information about their fields, including conferences and leadership opportunities in those fields?
C: a professional organization </span>
Data redundancy.
A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to create, store, modify, retrieve and manage data or informations in a database. Generally, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.
A data dictionary can be defined as a centralized collection of information on a specific data such as attributes, names, fields and definitions that are being used in a computer database system.
In a data dictionary, data elements are combined into records, which are meaningful combinations of data elements that are included in data flows or retained in data stores.
Data redundancy is the name of situation where the same data is stored unnecessarily at different places.
Simply stated, data redundancy can be defined as a condition which typically involves storing the same data in multiple storage locations. Thus, data redundancy connotes the unnecessary repetition of the same piece of data (informations) either deliberately or for some specific reasons.