D. Zero-day
It is clearly stated that the antivirus is still up-to-date on the workstation, and there has been no alterations to the firewall. Hence, this means the software is functional and up-to-date with all known viruses. This shows that this attack is unknown to the manufacturer of the antivirus software and hence no virus definition or patch fixing this problem has been developed yet. In this light, it is a zero-day.
A zero-day is a type of vulnerability in a software that is not yet known to the vendor or manufacturer, hence this security hole makes the software vulnerable to attackers or hacker before it is been fixed.
riodic Table
A museum wants to store their valuable documents in cases that contain a gas that will protect the documents.
She should not choose one of the other gases because they are too
The museum director should choose
I didn't understand
Negative space is the space between, within and surrounding an object in an image. The positive space is the focus of the image, the object itself, but the negative space is just as important. It shares edges with the positive space, defining the outline of the object and creating proportion
Overview In this project you need to design and implement an Emergency Room Patients Healthcare Management System (ERPHMS) that uses stacks, queues, linked lists, and binary search tree ( in addition you can use all what you need from what you have learned in this course ) The system should be able to keep the patient’s records, visits, turns, diagnostics, treatments, observations, Physicians records, etc. It should allow you to