Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes and understanding WHY they may have these particular feelings. In becoming aware of the root cause of why a person feels the way they do, we can better understand and provide healthier options.
This wasn't meant to be a question.... right???
He destroyed the mouse's winter shelter
In this story, the speaker apologizes for having destroyed the mouse's winter shelter and having now given it cause to fear its fellow man.
because of the defeat the army suffered
The British light cavalry, led by Lord Cardigan consisted of the "Light Brigade." However, due to miscommunication, the brigade was sent to a different artillery battery, which they were not well-prepared or well-suited to fight against. This resulted to the increased number of British casualties.
Thus, the poem used a falling rhythm in its pattern in order to show how the army suffered because of being defeated. Their defeat forced them to retreat at once.
So, this explains the answer.
The Correct Answer Is A: Don't Run Into Any Of The Following: A Tree, A Mailbox, Or A Lamp Post. Hope I Helped