Alliteration has same starting consonants. Ex. "Shelly sold seashells down by the seashore." Notice the majority of the word start with S.
Personification is humanizing something. Ex. "Lightning danced across the sky." Humans dance and here we are comparing the movement of lightning to the movement of dancing people.
Metaphors are comparisons of two things, non living.
"She has a heart of gold", its just a figure of speech because people cannot have hearts of gold, just like the the "it" cannot actually burn with topaz light because topaz does not actually have a light.
2- she may have gotten a promotion
3- he may have fallen off his bike
4- he may have fun into the tree
5- they might have been taking a walk
6- he may not be interested in her
He is a very happy go lucky person who has a sweet and sensitive personality.
Explanation: 8'th Grade huh?
Complete Question:
Which revision clarifies the confusing pronoun in this sentence?
Andrew told me that his uncle was a World War II veteran when he was in high school.
The revision which clarifies the confusing pronoun in this sentence is as follows:
When Andrew was in high school, he told me that his uncle was a World War II veteran.
This revision clarifies who the pronoun "he" refers to. This means that it clarifies that Andrew was the person in high school when his uncle was a World War II veteran, and not that his uncle was a World War II veteran when the uncle was in high school. The revision makes it very clear that it was Andrew who was in high school and not his uncle by the time Andrew's uncle had been a World War II veteran.