All of the are associate Justices of Supreme court. David Hackett Souter was associate justice of supreme court from October 1990 until 2009, <span>Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an associate Justice of supreme court she is justice from august 10, 1993, after Sandra Day O'Connor she</span> is the second female justice to be confirmed, Clarence Thomas is also associate justice of supreme court he is Justice of supreme court since October 23, 1991. Stephen Breyer is also an associate justice of Supreme Court. he is a justice of supreme court from august 3, 1994.
Sense of no self worth if you’re not employed,no purpose
4 justices
In order or a writ of certiorari to be granted, four justices must agree to hear the case.
A writ of certiorari is a order by a high court to a lower court to submit its record in a case so that it can be reviewed.
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