While the conflict would rage across the Mediterranean world, victory in Italy was Hannibal's sole objective. To achieve it, he marched the bulk of his army in Iberia across southern Gaul (present-day France) and, famously, over the Alps into the Roman heartland. ... Romans fought wars until decisively won.
Merchants from the north and south then met to exchange goods in Ghana. By 800 Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa's trade routes. Nearly all trade between northern and southern Africa passed through Ghana. With so many trespassing through their lands, Ghana's rulers looked for ways to make money from them.
No, it is false that the victory at Trenton was important because it caused France to sign a treaty with America that would provide the aid America so desperately needed, since French aid didn't come until later.
In 1830, they took the state of Georgia to court in a case that challenged Georgia's jurisdictional claims directly. In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Cherokees sought an injunction against Georgia's attempts to implement its act of 1828 asserting sovereignty over Cherokee lands.