Five powers held by King Louis XVI.
He ruled by the divine right theory .
He made and enforced the laws.
He levied taxes and spent the people’s money as he saw fit.
He controlled the expression of thought by a strict censorship of speech and press.
He could imprison anyone without trial for an indefinite period.
France ruled by an absolute monarch. Louis XVI ruled France under the divine right theory. The king was the supreme power holder of the politically, state, and economically. A society divided into an old estate system. The third estate paid all the taxes and had little right in society. The class division and inequality in society led french people to fight for their rights. The French Revolution abolishing the monarchy completely. The revolution gave the middle-class people equal rights.
C)slavery should be allowed in the south only
I believe the answer is C. Let me know if this helps
The Byzantines sent wave after wave of christian missionaries to the Slavic lands, which sorrounded the Byzantine Empire.
Two of the most important missionaries were Saint Cyril and Saint Methodious. They were brothers, and converted many slavs to Orthodox Christianity, specially those living in Moravia. They also invented the cyrilic alphabet to give a script to the Slavic languages, and help spread christianity faster. Hence the name of the alphabet.