Used the command syntax; awk -F":" '{ print "username: " $<number location> "\t\tuid:" $<number location> }' <target folder>
Linux operating system is a fast open-source computer platform for programmers and network administrators. Its system is arranged in a hierarchical tree structure with the root represented as "/" (for absolute path).
The passwd is a folder in the Linux OS that holds the login details of all users in the system network. The 'awk' is one of the commands used to get information from a file in a folder. It prints out the result by specifying the location of the values (like the username and user id) as a variable (with prefix '$') and then the target folder.
CSS is a language used to format or add styling to web components like the media player. style rules such as borders, drop-shadows, filters, transformation, etc, are added using CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, it is the core three languages needed to create a website, CSS is used alongside HTML and JavaScript, where HTML provides structure, CSS adds styling and JavaScript adds interactivity.
16. Branch or tree cutter
17.paint tape
18. Knife
19. Pots
20. Waterer
1. entry title - name of the posting
2. permalink - place where a blog posting is located
3. entry date - when the posting became available
4. comment - allows users to add to the conversation