After you wash your hands with soap and water, it should be acceptable.
Factor Analysis
Factor Analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviors (such as verbal skills, intelligence) that are related to a trait.
Factor analysis helps to accumulate a lot of data in many variables into a few variables which can be used for further analysis or study. The aim of factor analysis is to aggregate individual behaviors into a minimized number of factors.
The answer should be: codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone or tramadol
Opioid drugs are frequently used to treat pain. Acetaminophen, aspirin or NSAIDs drug used for mild to moderate pain. The mild opioid will be used in moderate to severe pain while a strong opioid will be used in severe pain. Strong opioid that could be used for severe pain would be morphine, methadone, oxycodone, or fentanyl
It helps to give solid evidence of natural selection. The idea is that there are a number of finches in the Galapagos Islands. These birds vary slightly in appearance, in the function of their beaks and in size. Two species can eventually alter themselves because of the environmental conditions they live in. Some traits will be passed on or developed in one group and not in the other or vica versa. These finches are remarkable in that it did not take long for the changes to take place. It is probably one of the strongest reasons for believing in natural selection, because only those birds who could adapt to change could easily pass on these advantages to their offspring. The relatively short period of time to enact these changes is what makes the this example so attractive.
Mendel was a mathematician and a physicist. He was tutored by Christian Doppler known for his work "Doppler effect of wave frequency".
Mendel learned botany under Franz Unger.
Both knowledge of science and math helped him notice some patterns, traits and qualities in the gardens he had.
With that idea, he was able to see the chances or portability of developing such traits and how to prove it.