They started with clandestine schools to teach black people during slavery. It was difficult for them to operate schools for black because they were not allowed to learn and denied basic education. This experience transformed public education to be available for everyone.
<u>Painting "The Last Supper"</u>
- It is a mural painting made between 1495 and 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) did not charge for this painting. It was commissioned by Ludovico Sforza for the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy.
- The artist uses the vanishing perspective or linear perspective, which is a characteristic of Renaissance art. The main focus of his perspective is the character of Jesus, who is the center of reference for artistic composition.
- Leonardo Davinci combines the use of vanishing perspective with the classical architectural representation, creating the illusion that the space in the convent where the painting was located seemed wider.
- Another characteristic element of the Renaissance was the use of a window system to introduce natural light sources and spatial depth into the paintings. In “The Last Supper”, the lighting comes from the three windows in the background.
<u>Painting "The Ambassadors"
- The painting is actually called “Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve”. It was created by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1533.
- In this work, two characters look directly at the viewer, a very new effect for the time.
- In the lower part there is an element that gives a complex character to the painting: it looks like a deformed human skull. Technically it is an anamorphosis, that is, an intentional deformation of an image that can only be corrected by an optical effect such as a curved mirror. This innovative technique forces the viewer to be in a specific perspective to be able to see the image correctly.
After the president gets a bill they can choose to either approve or veto it. If they veto it goes back to congress to be voted on again. If he approves it becomes a law.